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Alien: Babylon Queen

af Lars Rune Jørgensen

Teaser: The United America spaceship USS Babylon has been hit by a meteor swarm and crashed on the planet LV-661 near the colony town of New Gain. PCs are involved in the perilous task of inspecting the wreckage from the crashed warship in exchange for a reward from the Weyland-Yutani corporation.

Stikord: Year Zero Engine, retro-futuristisk horror, Alien, 14+

Info om scenariet:

  • Blok: L1-L3
  • En del læsestof (1/2-2 sider)
  • System: Year Zero Engine


Twenty-nine years ago, colonists from the United Americas arrived on LV-661 to found a new colony. The colony’s aim was to serve as a layover for space travel and a supply hub for the Navy. Sponsored by Weyland-Yutani, an Atmosphere Processing Station was built in the heart of the colonial town of New Gain. Seven years ago, a meteor shower damaged the station, leading to deaths and a wave of decolonization. All hope of a bright future on the colony seems lost.

Now, the Border Wars have erupted, and twelve days ago, the UA spaceship USS Babylon crashed near the colonial town. The Colony leaders have refused to investigate the crashed warship due to suspicion of unstable nuclear weapons.

But today, Weyland-Yutani has offered the colony to rebuild the Atmosphere Processing Station in exchange for intact wreckage. You have chosen to be a part of this investigation of the crashed warship. What you don’t know is that the time has come to plunge the entire colony into a nightmare.

Spillertype: Scenariet er beregnet til spillere, der kan lide at dykke ned i alien settingens skræmmende og dystopiske stemning. Derfor er scenariet ikke for dem, der foretrækker humoristiske rollespil.

Spilledertype: For at være spilleder på scenariet skal man kende Alien-settingen. Man skal også have erfaring med at køre et Free League Alien-rollespilsscenarie. Det kræver også en vis improvisations evne at køre scenariet. Scenariet er spændende at køre som spilleder, fordi det har mange nervepirrende scener, spændende handouts og en spilmekanik, der fremmer interessante konflikter.

Spiller – beware! (Content Warning): Scenariet er skrevet på engelsk (spilles på dansk), aldersgrænse 14+, regelkendskab ikke nødvendigt, man skal gerne have set mindst en af de første tre Alien film.